Eight Weeks

 Eight weeks has passed and I would not change anything. Time goes too fast and I try to remember everything. Capture our moments, your life, evolving while I blink and breathe. You are so precious and beautiful, small and petite… It is almost unbelievable that you also will become a grown up like me. You snore, babble, smile and cry. And I soak up every single second of your life. I am always here by your side, never will I disappear. How is it possible to love someone so much, without demanding anything?

I have to admit that I wish we had someone to share all our moments with. Because this experience is truly amazing and something that is worthy  of sharing. That is the moments I tear up and cry my tears. When I think of all the humans you do not get to meet and when I am reminded that I do this all by myself. For now, because you are too little to know, remember and see how beautiful our lives are within. I try to capture our lives and memories for you. Your smile shine light on the darkest hour, and the sparkles in your eyes are like crystal diamonds. Waking up to your babbling and having you showering me with smiles, is something i wish we could have videotaped. But being just the two of us makes it kind of difficult, so for now I keep them in my heart and mind.

We have had it quite easy, and made it this far. Of course you scream, but what can we do. That is your voice, until your words will come through. So I hope you always will know and remember that your eomma loves you.
