Blaming me for what?

There’s these people walking around pretending to be more genuine than everybody else. They smile, give you compliments and behave, dare I say – “normal”. Suddenly they turn a corner and out comes another person. Screaming, shouting and blaming the other person for every single thing.

The past is something we all share, well not exactly the same. Some things we do share is that we have all made mistakes, made the wrong choice and befriended the wrong people. It’s not easy being alive and living today. We can’t actually trust everybody, even though we should be able to trust humanity. Am I the magnet for sociopaths?

Being naive shouldn’t be a bad thing, and it’s healthy not to assume the worst of people isn’t it? Then again it’s probably normal to have some skepticism and questions when meeting new people. Should it be necessary to have them take a personality test before you interact with someone new? I don’t know about you, or your experiences with the “blamers”. On my end there’s been so many, and they’re always the ones contacting me first. Trying to manipulate me into believing I did them wrong. Hell to the no!

The satisfaction of destroying another person because you believe in lies and spread rumors that are untrue is sad. There’s no respect, empathy or insight going on whatsoever.

Then again, when you catch this behavior early on, it’s smart to have everything in writing. These people record your conversations, phonecalls and go into a delusional state when youre not answering. In the past I felt sorry for them, but now it has awakened something in me – warrior mode.

Don’t think we’re easy prey just because we’re silent. We’re gathering information to take you down legally. Don’t believe that you have won, just because you think you’re right. We won’t let you get away like you did in the past. Because now it is time for retaliation. Just when you thought nothing would happen, boom!

Hope life is well and you all stay safe!

Much love 김유화