Blaming me for what?

There's these people walking around pretending to be more genuine than everybody else. They smile, give you compliments and behave, dare I say - "normal". Suddenly they turn a corner and out comes another person. Screaming, shouting and blaming the other person for every single thing. The past is something we all share, well not … Continue reading Blaming me for what?

With A Tongue Unknown

i have found some humans that i have a life in common with. these humans are all korean adoptees that have come back to korea to speak up for themselves. as i have done this for years now online i am humbled content and somewhat sad in my soul. but the sadness is because the … Continue reading With A Tongue Unknown

Inside 2017October

"these days i wish for something like respect love honesty my own family there has been so much hardships where i have been left lonely" 12.10.2017 "two years ago i was put in a coma where my soul ended up in a realm of drugs and humantrafficking they emptied our bodies for organs in the … Continue reading Inside 2017October

I Feel

We walk around on this earth like we own this place. But in reality we borrow "time, destroy the planet, each other, some chose hate instead of love and only think of themselves. How did it come to this, how did humans come to believe that we rule alone? When the truth is that we … Continue reading I Feel